Kazan University

The University has been the most eastern institute of higher education in Russia: Povolzhie, Penza and Tambov provinces, Prikamie and Ural, Siberia, Caucases were in its district.
The University has become the major centre of education and science in the first decades of its existence. A whole number of scientific areas and schools (mathematics, chemistry, medicine, linguistic, geological, geobothanical) have been formed here. The object of university’s pride are the prominent scientific discoveries and achievements: creation of non-Evclid geometry (N.I. Lobachevsky), discovery of a new chemical element ruthenium (K.K. Klauss), creation of the theory of organic compounds’ texture (A.M. Butlerov), discovery of electronic paramagnetic resonance (E.K. Zavoyskiy)., discovery of acoustic paramagnetic resonance (S.A. Altshuller) and many others.
More than 100 thousand specialists have been trained in the university since the time of foundation. Among the students were the prominent scientists and the representatives of culture, public figures: S.T. Aksakov, M.A. Balakirev, P.I. Melnikov-Pecherskiy, L. N. Tolstoy, V.I. Ulianov-Lenin, V. Khlebnikov. Famous figures of Tatar science and culture: K. Nasiyri, Sh. Mardjani and others collaborated with the science societies of the university.
The university campus has been formed during two centuries, the harmonious centre of it is splendid architectural ensemble in the style of Russian classicism of XIX century.